Project Details
Abonmarche designed a water treatment plant as part of a larger $12 million project including a new water treatment building, well field, 500,000 gallon elevated pedestal storage tank, and 23 miles of water main for a new water district for a community of approximately 4,000 residents.
The project involved providing security measures at the water treatment plant and allowing operators to remotely monitor the system 24 hours a day. The system makes use of current technology through recycled backwash water, remote monitoring abilities, and a mobile meter reading system.
Abonmarche prepared a water system management plan for the new district to evaluate methods for managing and operating the system, financial resources, and financial planning. As part of the project, our team assisted the district with setting up standards and policies, selecting equipment, training contractors, and communicating with the water district, the town and the funding agency, USDA Rural Development.
• Water Treatment Building
• 24/7 Remote Monitoring System
• Reclaimed Backwash Water Technology
• Water System